Reinventing teams for the future of work

Clarity challenges for teams to unlock their personal brands and innovate their careers

If opportunities are endless, why are so many people unhappy in their jobs?

It is part of the time we live in: 

✔ The career options are endless and people don’t know what they want to do exactly. 

✔ Most people feel that they can’t show all of their passions and talents in their role.

✔ HR is spending more time on hiring than on creating learning and development plans for their people.

Idea Shapers organises clarity challenges for teams to help them get clarity about their ideal role and personal brand and how to achieve this. The result? Happy people who take ownership of their own personal growth and increase the value they deliver to the company. 

Get more out of your team leads with the Idea Shapers Clarity Challenge

We believe that everything starts with clarity.

Clarity into your own definition of success and happiness in your work.

Clarity about what you can bring to the company.

Clarity about the areas you need to grow and how to get there. 

What if all your employees have a crystal clear blueprint of their own skills, passions and motivations? What if they have a roadmap on how they want to grow into their ideal role and increase the impact in their teams and company? Combine this with an accountability system and your employees turn into gold. While you save money on your hiring costs as people will be engaged longer.

How does the approach work?

Clarity about your ambitions leads to ownership

This is not like the usual career coaching or talent strength test. We believe that the answers people need come from taking actions and running experiments. We combine effective career crafting methods with proven design thinking methodologies. Mixed together in the form of fun experimental challenges to help people get results quickly.

Through experiments and playful facilitation formats we help team leads get clarity on how to take ownership of their role in the company. From getting clarity on their ambitions, to making impact in their teams, we guide them to get the maximum out of their potential.