Million Dollar Idea Scan

Free phone consult for entrepreneurs who have 100 ideas in their head and struggle to action on them

Book Your Free Scan

You can’t use all of your creativity in your current freelance work or job. You have changed jobs quite a few times, you have been involved in all kind of passion projects, but nothing appears to be fun enough. 

You are all over the place and you don’t finish anything. In the meantime, you are bursting with ideas but you are still missing the last piece of the puzzle to really go for it.

Are you looking for the golden idea that suits you and your passions completely and with which you will conquer the world?

Request the Free Million Dollar Idea Scan. In this 30-minute conversation, we look together where you stand with your ideas and company. You learn what you need right now to kickstart your unique company.

During our chat we determine whether we can help you further with one of our programs. In any case, you will receive the three most important actions that you can start with right away so that you get clarity about your ideas.

How does it work?

1. Fill in the questions below so that we can get a good idea of your current situation.

2. We examine your answers.

3. You will be invited to the Million Dollar Idea Scan within 48 hours.

4. During our chat we look into your ideas and what you right now to take steps in creating your profitable business.

5. We discuss the next steps you can take.

Important note: there is only room for 7 Million Dollar Idea Scans per month!

This is why we make a pre-selection based on the following questions to see if you are eligible for the Scan. The Scan is intended for entrepreneurs who are eager to take control of their lives right now.